kitt (@cutewitchphoebe)’s avatarkitt (@cutewitchphoebe)’s Twitter Archive

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  1. the splatnet 3 app is interesting! it can be opened with a url handler for the NSO app. this url handler seems pretty flexible too! i’ve found how to open almost any page in the app. this can be used for deep links which might have some neat uses. #Splatoon #Splatoon3 #SplatNet3
  2. i built this little splatoon stats website recently!! the setup for it is very custom. i’ll probably write a little post with more details about how it works soon. #Splatoon #Splatoon3 #SplatNet3
    OpenGraph image for
  3. this game is actually kinda beautiful tbh #Nintendo64 #NintendoSwitchOnline #NintendoSwitch
  4. happy #TransDayOfVisibility
  5. AH FUCK YEAH, THE ANT STAGE #SuperMario3DWorld #BowsersFury #NintendoSwitch
  6. where’s it all going?????
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  7. in the the splatoon universe, projector beams can pass through opaque objects #Splatoon3 #NintendoSwitch
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  8. i recently uploaded some battles!
    OpenGraph image for
  9. …in reply to @cutewitchphoebe
    on ios this can be used from the shortcuts app. i used it to add a splatnet 3 shortcut to my home screen.
    OpenGraph image for my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  10. …in reply to @SarahBurssty
    SarahBurssty what happened?
  11. …in reply to @fyridk
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  12. talking to new friends is so nice aaaaaa
  13. #Splatoon3 #NintendoSwitch
  14. wooooo am doing my first battles upload with my own uploader !!!!!!
  15. …in reply to @Popcat_spl
    Popcat_spl how are these all so good????????
  16. …in reply to @youarevalidddd
    youarevalidddd AriVRCC what the fuck
  17. i want a skirt i want a skirt i want a skirt i want a skirt i want a skirt i want a skirt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. …in reply to @cutewitchphoebe
    i documented my findings on the paths in a gist. i know this works on ios. i don’t have an android device to test this with, but i’m assuming it works on android, too.
    OpenGraph image for
  19. i have an addiction to flex box.
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  20. why are the avatars so cutee
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  21. …in reply to @frozenpandaman
    frozenpandaman SplatoonNA wait it’s completely different art? in the square one there’s less of a gap on the right.
  22. this platform is a mess.
  23. pretty ui!! 😍😍
  24. #NewProfilePic
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API